Stallings-Evans Sports Medicine Center

The University of North Carolina | Chapel Hill, North Carolina

The Stallings-Evans Sports Medicine Center will provide much-needed space for patient care, education, service and research to intercollegiate student athletes as well as students, faculty and staff on the UNC campus.

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Softball Stadium Complex

East Carolina University | Greenville, North Carolina

Home of the ECU Softball program, the stadium was the first phase of a multi-phase series of projects designed to improve the Olympic Sports facilities at East Carolina University.

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Soccer Stadium

East Carolina University | Greenville, North Carolina

Home of the men’s and women’s soccer programs, the stadium was the second phase of a multi-phase series of projects designed to improve the Olympic Sports facilities at East Carolina University.

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Varsity Track and Field Complex

East Carolina University | Greenville, North Carolina

A new eight-lane NCAA Track & Field Complex was constructed as part of a multi-phase series of projects designed to improve the Olympic Sports facilities at East Carolina University.

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100 Europa Drive, #565, Chapel Hill, NC 27517

(919) 401-8586